AENEAS 1 38760U 12048C 13259.33604411 +.00006211 +00000-0 +57398-3 0 02540 2 38760 064.6714 351.2592 0187483 185.7772 174.1116 14.83014109042614 CSSWE 1 38761U 12048D 13259.36114140 +.00002848 +00000-0 +28029-3 0 02562 2 38761 064.6738 352.3888 0191213 185.3639 174.6214 14.81511081042450 CXBN 1 38762U 12048E 13259.34836909 +.00002765 +00000-0 +27347-3 0 02486 2 38762 064.6736 352.8154 0192907 185.6754 174.2151 14.81180259042446 CP5 1 38763U 12048F 13259.24883440 +.00003874 +00000-0 +37148-3 0 02536 2 38763 064.6724 352.4131 0190656 185.7738 174.1174 14.81920389042548
Category: CXBN
CXBN – packet partially decoded
I had an 82 deg elevation pass a few minutes ago and could grab a packet – but with bad CRC. So I can only see the correct header.
*** Bad packet CRC @-44 00:00:00 len=168 [9600.581 baud] 0: 96946890 AC8A66E6 9404CE86 A2E103F0 KJ4HVE3sJ.gCQp.x –”h¬Šfæ”.Ά¢á.ð 10: 5069001A 00300000 A0481F0F 7B090502 (4......P$..=... Pi...0.. H.{... 20: 11232701 12003800 340FFF00 03000203 ...... ........ .#'...8.4.ÿ..... 30: 630FFF00 DD003C00 000C8C00 D4003500 1..n.‑...F.j... c.ÿ.Ý.<...Œ.Ô.5. 40: 36002E01 D5002D00 0600060E 3901DB08 ...j....... .m. 6...Õ.-.....9.Û. 50: 2B032800 C0008C00 3A085000 B9003450 ....`.F..(.\..( +.(.À.Œ.:.P.¹.4P 60: 36A52C0F 13013601 33BFE7E5 80E300D8 R......_sr@q.l 6¥,...6.3¿çå€ã.Ø 70: 80F080D5 D5800001 011D9D00 55699BFB @x@jj@....N.*4M} €ð€ÕÕ€....Ui›û 80: 6864A6FB 68644040 C03D0D0D 0D0D0D0D 42S}42 `‑...... hd¦ûhd@@À=...... 90: 0D0D0D08 5D070D0D 0D0D0E3D 0B0D0D0D ...........‑.... ....]......=.... A0: 0D0D0D0D 0D0D0D8D .......F ....... sJ[1]gCQ>KJ4HVE-3 : (binary data)
CXBN weak but active
07:50 UTC
The SNR looks stronger than previous passes. Also the Morehead team had a much stronger SNR yesterday on their pass. They were tracking Object D.
NROL-36 TLE lottery – update
After a week we have now 3 groups:
1st Obj I, Obj H
2nd Obj D, Obj F and Obj J, Obj K
3rd Obj G
All cubesats in the 2nd group are very close together and it’s not possible to make a decision yet.
I analyzed the CSSWE beacon signal and simulated a pass with all TLE. And we can see a similiar result. Obj G, H, I are not the right ones. All others are close together and you can track with one of them. But it shows, that my calculation method is right :-)
ObjectD 1 90032U 0 12263.86004251 +.00001062 +00000-0 +11220-3 0 00139 2 90032 064.6729 022.3986 0219166 287.7240 218.2349 14.79094136000862 ObjectF 1 90034U 0 12264.60102604 +.00001324 +00000-0 +13543-3 0 00114 2 90034 064.6745 020.1297 0219450 287.5442 203.6219 14.79092634000811 ObjectG 1 90035U 0 12264.59376749 +.00001321 +00000-0 +13548-3 0 00141 2 90035 064.6739 020.1538 0219345 287.4655 163.5186 14.79027647000977 ObjectH 1 90036U 0 12264.59983951 +.00001203 +00000-0 +12416-3 0 00121 2 90036 064.6714 020.1236 0219608 287.3709 200.8987 14.79236679000978 ObjectI 1 90037U 0 12264.59347624 +.00002058 +00000-0 +20045-3 0 00130 2 90037 064.6723 020.1431 0219118 287.2886 166.4231 14.79213317000970 ObjectJ 1 90038U 0 12264.52772095 +.00001246 +00000-0 +12859-3 0 00141 2 90038 064.6719 020.3496 0219119 287.3135 173.9581 14.79110077000967 ObjectK 1 90039U 0 12264.52841600 +.00001585 +00000-0 +15874-3 0 00170 2 90039 064.6734 020.3488 0219335 287.4295 177.4629 14.79108143000967
CXBN beacon heard
11:28 UTC very very weak but you can see a 9k6 signal with 30 sec beacon intervall with doppler shift