JAXA cubesat launch TLE

1 38852U 98067CN  12283.00925092  .00041863  00000-0  69687-3 0    14
2 38852  51.6477 275.8145 0018909 135.8738 224.3701 15.51407904   603
1 38853U 98067CO  12283.00919217  .00038394  00000-0  64119-3 0    17
2 38853  51.6480 275.8141 0014227 145.1302 215.0858 15.51445930   661
1 38854U 98067CP  12283.07336473  .00054398  00000-0  89879-3 0    14
2 38854  51.6473 275.4897 0014651 145.1372 215.0744 15.51582271   671
1 38855U 98067CQ  12282.68697989  .00022010  00000-0  37095-3 0    12
2 38855  51.6485 277.4123 0014736 146.6828 213.5108 15.51493630   504
1 38856U 98067CR  12283.00883489  .00069724  00000-0  11405-2 0    11
2 38856  51.6479 275.8106 0018733 136.2088 224.0323 15.51677880   557

ISS/KIBO cubesat deployment on Sep 27

The first two satellites (RAIKO, WE WISH) will be deployed around 15:10 – 15:20 UTC manually by astronaut Akihiko Hoshide. Three other satellites (FITSAT-1, NanoRacks,and TechEdSat) will be deployed around 16:30 – 16:40 UTC by the robotic arm.

JAXA will broadcast the deployment: http://iss.jaxa.jp/iss/jaxa_exp/hoshide/library/live/

thanks, JA6AVG and JE9PEL

Cubesat launch from KIBO (ISS)

CubeSats from ISS_KIBO will be deployed in the afternoon of 27 Sep 2012.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans the demonstration of small satellites deployment from the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” of the International Space Station (ISS) in order to enhance the capability of Kibo’s utilization and to offer more launch oppotunities to small satellites.
The CubeSats are mounted in a JEM-Small Satellite Orbital Deployer (J-SSOD). In one POD are FITSAT-1, TechEdSat and F-1 and in the second POD is WeWish and a scientific 2U CubeSat RAIKO.

Satellite name: FITSAT-1
Proposer: Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Size: 1U
Demonstration of a high-speed transmission module for a small satellite
Visible light communication experiment by high power LED
FITSAT data format: http://turing.cs.fit.ac.jp/~fitsat/dataformat.html

Satellite name: WE WISH
Proposer: Meisei Electric Co., Ltd.
Size: 1U
To contribute to local technology education and to promote utilization of data acquired by a small satellite
Demonstration of an ultra-small thermal infrared camera
WE-WISH data format: https://sites.google.com/site/jq1ziijq1zij/home/shou-xin-fang-fa

Satellite name: RAIKO
Proposer: Wakayama University
Size: 2U
Shooting images of the Earth through a fish-eye lens camera
Measuring relative movement when deployed from the ISS through
photo shooting Experiment of a star sensor
Orbit descending experiment using membrane deployment
Development of a small movable ground station and receiving signals via international cooperation
Orbit determination experiment by Doppler frequency measurement of Ku-band beacon
radio wave High speed data communication experiment by Ku-band communication equipment

TechEdSat data format: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TechEdSat

F-1 data format: http://fspace.edu.vn/?page_id=27