MIR-SAT1 2022-04-18 0:00:00 decay_msg
Jean Marc Momple, 3B8DU reports: “It seems to be confirmed that MIR-SAT 1 re-entered.
The last valid telemetry signals of MIR-SAT 1 (worldwide) was received in Mauritius with the UoM ground station by YOG-3B8 (Dr Yogesh Beeharry,
Lecturer of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Mauritius). Yogesh, member of this forum
led a team of UoM students who build their own ground station. This was at 01:36 Hrs local time this morning and JA0CAW (Tetsu, an experience Satellite
HAM) confirmed to me by mail that no signals was received from MIR-SAT 1 at 05:03 (MRU time). More many other regular reporting HAMs confirmed to me
that no signals received from our bird today.
This confirms that MIR-SAT 1 re-entered between 01:36 and 05:03 Hrs and probably burned up around 110Km in a blast of flame, unfortunately the
location is not known as mainly over oceans during the time window.
I also confirm that a few minutes before last observation from Yogesh that I received the TLM of MIR-SAT 1 and also made successful Digipeats through it
(see attached screenshot), the bird was at about 160km altitude at that time, this was my farewell to MO-112.
Congratulations to Yogesh to be the last recorded person on this planet to have successfully decoded our 3B8 bird.
RIP MIR-SAT 1, you have been a great tool for educational and HAM experiments.
One page turned and the next (better) opens, MIR-SAT 2 ??? why not?, just a question of vision, willingness, motivation and hard work.
73, Jean Marc, 3B8DU”