Thanks Mike for the CSV importer from Satnogs DB. This satellite was for sure a superstar, operational over full lifetime not leaving any space debris and it got optimal lifetime from an ISS launch (almost 3 years). Thanks to all amateurs providing data, downloading telemetry, uplodaing to SATNOGS, this plot would not be possible without you guys. Here is to nSight2!
Category: NSIGHT
NSIGHT-1 decayed
nSight1 last month, entering end of April/early May
nSight1 sitting at around 280km (TLE say 281x273km)
Thanks Mike for the Satnogs CSV import
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry
nSight-1 Telemetry
NSIGHT-1 Telemetry